
The format of the power of attorney for submitting reports to the tax authorities has been updated

From March 1, 2024, an#nbsp;authorized representative of#nbsp;an#nbsp;organization obliged to#nbsp;submit reports only electronically should act based on#nbsp;an#nbsp;electronic power of#nbsp;attorney signed by#nbsp;an#nbsp;enhanced qualified electronic signature.
In#nbsp;connection with this, the Order of#nbsp;the Federal Tax Service dated September 19, 2023, N#nbsp;ED-7−26/648@ approved an#nbsp;updated format and procedure for filling out an#nbsp;electronic power of#nbsp;attorney confirming the powers of#nbsp;the taxpayer’s authorized representative.

According to#nbsp;the Order, the updated format of#nbsp;the electronic power of#nbsp;attorney will come into force on#nbsp;March 1, 2024.