
Notarization of the decision to create an LLC

According to the Federal Tax Service of Russia, the decision on the creation of the limited liability company, which is made by the founder or founders, is not subject to notarization. After all, in accordance with the civil law, the founders of such a company become its participants only after making an entry in the unified state register of legal entities (USRLE) about the creation of this LLC.

At the same time, the Tax Service draws attention to the fact that several other decisions still require notarization.

For example, a decision taken by the General meeting of participants of a company and the list of participants who were present at the face-to-face voting must be confirmed by notarization if another method is not mentioned in the company’s Charter or wasn’t adopted unanimously by the decision of the General meeting of its participants.

In particular, the decision to change the name of the organization, the address of its location, and the Director’s election must be notarized.