
Sick leave documents will be available only in electronic form.

Since January 1, 2021, the system of direct payments of sick leave and benefits has already been operating throughout the country.

But this system is regulated by a Government decree.

The adopted law introduces various amendments directly to Federal Laws No. 125-FZ dd 24.06.1998 and No. 255-FZ dd 29.12.2006.

From January 1, 2022, all payments for sick leave, including maternity leave, will be calculated on the basis of an electronic disability certificate.

The employer must connect to the Electronic Document Management System to receive and transmit information on the payment of electronic sick leave. To do this, the following software products can be used:

  • a free program from the Social Insurance Fund website;
  • 1C;
  • SBIS;
  • Kontur;
  • Parus and other programs.