
From April 17, 2024, the threshold values of damage for economic crimes in Russia have been increased

The amount of#nbsp;significant and very significant damage caused by#nbsp;the number of#nbsp;crimes in#nbsp;the economic sphere has increased. In#nbsp;addition, liability for illegal entrepreneurship has been clarified.
Federal Law No. 79-FZ dated 06.04.2024 introduced amendments to#nbsp;the Criminal Code of#nbsp;Russia and the Code of#nbsp;Criminal Procedure of#nbsp;Russia, aimed at#nbsp;indexing the amount of#nbsp;damage, which makes it#nbsp;possible to#nbsp;qualify an#nbsp;act in#nbsp;the field of#nbsp;economic activity as#nbsp;committed on#nbsp;a#nbsp;significant, large or#nbsp;especially large scale.
There has been an#nbsp;increase in#nbsp;threshold values for crimes such as#nbsp;fraud, illegal entrepreneurship, restriction of#nbsp;competition, abuse in#nbsp;the issuance of#nbsp;securities, misuse of#nbsp;insider information, evasion of#nbsp;taxes, fees, or#nbsp;insurance contributions, failure to#nbsp;fulfill the duties of#nbsp;a#nbsp;tax agent, etc.

In#nbsp;particular, it#nbsp;has been established that significant income or#nbsp;damage is#nbsp;considered to#nbsp;be#nbsp;more than 3.5 million (instead of#nbsp;2.25 million) rubles and especially significant#nbsp;— more than 13.5 million (instead of#nbsp;9 million) rubles.

Also, in#nbsp;case of#nbsp;evasion of#nbsp;taxes, fees, or#nbsp;insurance contributions payable by#nbsp;an#nbsp;organization, or#nbsp;failure to#nbsp;fulfill the duties of#nbsp;a#nbsp;tax agent in#nbsp;a#nbsp;significant amount, the amount of#nbsp;taxes, fees, and insurance contributions exceeding for a#nbsp;period of#nbsp;three consecutive financial years 18.75 million (instead of#nbsp;15 million) rubles, especially significant#nbsp;— an#nbsp;amount exceeding for a#nbsp;period within three financial years in#nbsp;a#nbsp;row 56.25 million (instead of#nbsp;45 million) rubles;

In#nbsp;case of#nbsp;illegal use of#nbsp;trademarks and other means of#nbsp;individualization, a#nbsp;crime will occur if#nbsp;the damage exceeds 400 thousand (previously#nbsp;— 250 thousand) rubles.