
Environmental fee: new lists of goods and packaging, as well as waste disposal standards for 2024–2029, have been approved

From January 1, 2024, not only manufacturers of goods and importers but also packaging manufacturers in Russia will be required to ensure waste disposal or pay an environmental fee.
Payers of#nbsp;the environmental fee are manufacturers or#nbsp;importers of#nbsp;goods or#nbsp;packaging subject to#nbsp;disposal who do#nbsp;not dispose of#nbsp;waste from their use. The Government of#nbsp;Russia approves the list of#nbsp;such goods and packaging.

To#nbsp;calculate the amount of#nbsp;the environmental fee, it#nbsp;is#nbsp;necessary to#nbsp;multiply the rate by#nbsp;the recycling standard and by#nbsp;the weight of#nbsp;goods sold in#nbsp;the year preceding the reporting year.

Decree of#nbsp;the Government of#nbsp;Russia No. 2414 of#nbsp;29.12.2023 approved:
  • a#nbsp;list of#nbsp;goods, packaging, and waste from the use of#nbsp;which is#nbsp;subject to#nbsp;disposal for 2024 and 2025;
  • waste disposal standards from the use of#nbsp;goods for 2024−2029;
  • standards for recycling waste from the use of#nbsp;packaging for 2024.

According to#nbsp;the document, the list of#nbsp;product groups has been expanded and supplemented with new categories of#nbsp;goods (stationery, dishes and glass accessories, shoes, and other goods). Recycling standards for each product group from 2024 to#nbsp;2029 will be#nbsp;gradually increased.

The document comes into force on#nbsp;January 1, 2024, and is#nbsp;valid until January 1, 2030.

The company must submit reports and pay the fee for 2023 according to#nbsp;the rules in#nbsp;force in#nbsp;2023. The environmental fee must be#nbsp;paid no#nbsp;later than April 15 of#nbsp;the year following the reporting year.