
For companies and individuals, restrictions on foreign currency cash withdrawals have been extended for another six months

Restrictions related to#nbsp;the withdrawal and purchase of#nbsp;foreign currency have been extended for legal entities and individuals until September 9, 2024.
The Bank of#nbsp;Russia reported on#nbsp;March 7, 2024, that restrictions on#nbsp;withdrawing foreign cash currency to#nbsp;individuals and entities will be#nbsp;valid for another six months. This means that until September 9, 2024:

legal entities#nbsp;— residents of#nbsp;Russia can receive cash for travel expenses in#nbsp;US dollars or#nbsp;an#nbsp;equivalent amount in#nbsp;Euro, Pounds, or#nbsp;Japanese yen based on#nbsp;payment limits established by#nbsp;law. There are no#nbsp;restrictions on#nbsp;other currencies;

legal entities#nbsp;— non-residents of#nbsp;Russia can’t receive cash in#nbsp;US dollars, Euros, pounds, and Japanese yen. There are no#nbsp;restrictions on#nbsp;other currencies;

—#nbsp;If#nbsp;a#nbsp;bank account or#nbsp;deposit account was opened before March 9, 2022, an#nbsp;individual still has the right to#nbsp;withdraw the remaining funds, but not more than 10 thousand#nbsp;US dollars from#nbsp;it. Still, it#nbsp;is#nbsp;possible to#nbsp;withdraw funds from a#nbsp;currency account in#nbsp;Rubles.