How to choose the people you should hire in your business

In order to choose the right person from a big list of applicants, a strategic approach is required. However, an employer is often inclined to rely on one’s personal instinct. In some cases this is the right way to go. Yet, relying on one’s intuition does not always help achieve the right result. A systematic approach allows the employer to consider by far a larger number of meaningful factors, such as qualifications and personality traits of the applicant. The considerations outlined in this article can help a lot in hiring the right people for your business.

Provide a test case for your applicants

Very often, creating of an application form for an applicant to fill depends on the HR department. This is largely the reason why such forms may be different from company to company. If an applicant performs a test task when filing an application, it will let the employer see whether technical skills of the applicant match the required ones at the application review stage. In turn, it will also help the candidate know one’s duties and responsibilities for this particular position.

Testing and examination help correctly evaluate the skills your applicants hold at hand.

A great number of online evaluation tools, applications and software exist online to help conduct such an evaluation. Examples which may be used to improve your hiring process are HackerRank, Techgig, and Interview Mocha. There may be other tools to better fit your particular purpose.

Check your candidate’s references

One of the particularly important criteria used to pick the right candidate are the references he/she provides. It is very important for the employer to check credibility of the information your applicants provide in their CVs and application forms. You can do this by contacting the people your applicant indicates in one’s CV.
It does not take a lot of time to send an email. A personal call will help get additional information on your future employee, such as efficiency, work habits, psychological qualities, and other factors.

It is prudent for the employer to use one’s instinct in no more than 90 percent of the cases. This is a meaningful figure, however it would be erroneous to ignore the remaining 10 percent. Simply put, your intuition may be an effective approach to hiring, yet getting your information confirmed will help come to more weighted conclusions to help you make the right decision.

The impression from the qualifications presented, as well as skill sets of the applicants may be subjective, and therefore it is difficult to know for sure whether the candidate is fitting for your company given your specific challenges.

This is why it is important to have your information confirmed.
As Claudio Fernandes-Araoz explains in his book called "It's Not the How or the What but the Who: Succeed by the Surrounding Yourself with the Best", "Relevant external observers are the right people to give an accurate assessment of whether the candidate can perform under the specific circumstances and challenges", he explains.

Observe what is required for your business

Event top notch professionals may not be sharing the goals and values of your business. This is exactly why it is important to re-evaluate your company’s culture when you are hiring. You need to have a sharp picture of what you want for your business, envision your plans for growth within the next months, years, and even decades. You need to consider the needs of your business before you hire. This will, in turn, help you save a lot of time and money. Why hire top notch specialists only to dismiss them later for not sharing your goals?

Company culture, it is the "goals, values, ideals, and attitudes that describe an organization". HR professionals must convey a strong sense of a culture of a winning company. Such culture defines how the whole business operates while attracting like minded professionals into your organization. A strong sense of corporate culture can help recruiters drive top notch professionals who are highly motivated, as well as retain valuable colleagues. Strong corporate culture is a key to increase engagement of your employees, as well as drive their KPIs towards the better.

Strong corporate culture can help attract the best candidates in the labor market to your business. Moreover, it is very important to convey the impression of your company’s culture when conducting your job interview. It will help the candidates know whether your company values are fitting for them or not.

Create a good description of the position you expect your candidates to Fill

The first stage of the hiring process is creating a good description of the position you have available. A detailed complimentary announcement of the position you offer may attract the attention of more candidates, thus increasing your chances to pick someone perfectly fitting for your goals.

As Wright State University states, a good job description should not only contain description of work duties, but provide grounds to ensure effective hiring and operational efficiency.

A classic job description must contain the following six important accounts.
  1. Name of the position to briefly describe the essence of the job (such as Teacher, Coach, Salesman, Data Analyst, Content Author, etc.)
  2. Work purpose, which describes the area for the new employee to take responsibility for;
  3. Work duties and responsibilities for every role you plan to assign to your new employees;
  4. Mandatory qualifications, such as education, work experience, skills, and personality traits;
  5. Preferred qualifications, meaning those which are not required, but will be handy do have.
  6. Working conditions, including physical peculiarities of the occupation, such as office, remote work, working in shifts, on a rotational basis, etc.
  7. The more detail your description has, the more candidates fitting your requirements you can find. This can help save time you may otherwise waste on processing bad applications, and attract talents to perfectly fit in within your culture.

Conduct a comprehensive interview

An interview is a vitally important part of hiring. It always helps to gain a better knowledge of your candidates, while letting them get the idea of your business and the particulars of the job. A comprehensive interview serves more besides just getting acquainted with your candidate. It is an opportunity to find the best professional to help a company achieve its goals in the market altogether.

Leading recruiters have been long recommending that companies create their own strategies to evaluate and compare interview results of every candidate based on certain criteria.

Moreover, a behavioral approach may also be useful during interviews. Such a method presumes an approach enables assessing the behavior of your candidates within work-specific situations. The logic behind this is that someone’s past behavior can be used to project into that someone’s future behavior.

A classic interview contains a series of questions for the interviewee to provide direct answers to.

Within a more traditional approach, a respondent is being asked a series of questions he can provide direct answers to. This set includes questions like "Can you please describe your strengths and weaknesses?", "How do you handle stress?", "What do you expect to achieve five years from now?", "What is the most satisfying factor in your work?". During a behavioral interview, a recruiter is asking questions to determine the candidate’s skills, personal qualities, and work attitudes. For instance, "What do you intend to do if you find out your subordinate is not qualified enough?", "How do you intend to motivate and encourage your team members in order to achieve your goals?", etc.
A hiring process requires a lot of effort, and may sometimes take a long time. A search for the best candidates for your business may be very tiresome, but you need to always remember the value these employees will bring into your company in the future. When asking your questions, keep in mind you are not doing it simply for the sake of asking, but to learn, assess, and make the right decision. Surrounding oneself with the right people can and will bring your business closer to success.
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