;Limited liability company (LLC); Joint stock company (JSC); Branch of foreign company (Branch); Representative office of foreign company (RO)
Legal status;Independent Russian legal entity; Independent Russian legal entity;Not independent legal entity, the part of Head company; Not independent legal entity, the part of Head company
Shareholders;Any Russian and foreign companies and persons may be founders and shareholders in any number of Russian companies. The company may be established by a single founder, as long as the founder is not a company owned by a single legal entity or individual;Any Russian and foreign companies and persons may be founders and shareholders in any number of Russian companies. The company may be established by a single founder, as long as the founder is not a company owned by a single legal entity or individual;No shareholders;No shareholders
Minimum authorized capital;10 000 rubles;10 000 rubles;No;No
Management structure;Both LLC and JSC has a three-tier management structure consisting of (1) the general meeting, (2) the board of directors, and (3) the executive body. General meeting is the highest management body and it must meet at least once a year. Board of Directors effects general supervision of the company’s business activities which are not referred to the competition of the General meeting. The Board of Directors may not be formed and in this case its powers are transferred to the General meeting. Executive body of a company may be represented by both an individual and collegial body. The executive body acts pursuant to the Charter document and doesn’t need a POA;Both LLC and JSC has a three-tier management structure consisting of (1) the general meeting, (2) the board of directors, and (3) the executive body. General meeting is the highest management body and it must meet at least once a year. Board of Directors effects general supervision of the company’s business activities which are not referred to the competition of the General meeting. The Board of Directors may not be formed and in this case its powers are transferred to the General meeting. Executive body of a company may be represented by both an individual and collegial body. The executive body acts pursuant to the Charter document and doesn’t need a POA;For both the RO and Branch an executive body (Head of RO or Branch) should be appointed by the foreign legal entity. Such executive body acts pursuant to the Power of Attorney issued by the foreign legal entity;For both the RO and Branch an executive body (Head of RO or Branch) should be appointed by the foreign legal entity. Such executive body acts pursuant to the Power of Attorney issued by the foreign legal entity
State duties for registration; 4 000 rubles + notary and translation fees;4 000 rubles + notary and translation fees + registration of share issue;120 000 Rubles + 18 000 Rubles + notary and translation fees;120 000 Rubles + 18 000 Rubles + notary and translation fees
Terms of registration;3 business days;3 business days;15 business days;15 business days
Number of participants;Maximum 50;No limit;No;No
Registration process;Registration is done by the Tax authorities, which keep the United State Register of Russian Legal Entities. Together with company registration, company is automatically registered in the State Committee for Statistics and nonbudgetary funds (Pension fund and Social Security fund);First stage of the registration process is the Registration of issue of shares, which may be done by the Central Bank of Russia or by specialized organization – Registrar. After that registration process is the same as for the LLC: Registration is done by the Tax authorities, which keep the United State Register of Russian Legal Entities. Together with company registration, company is automatically registered in the State Committee for Statistics and nonbudgetary funds (Pension fund and Social Security fund);Registration (accreditation) is done by the Tax authorities, which keep the United State Register of Foreign companies in Russia (Inter-District Tax office no 47 in Moscow). Together with company registration, company is automatically registered in the State Committee for Statistics. Registration in non-budgetary funds (Pension fund and Social Security fund) should be done by the company after the registration of the subsidiary. Besides it is necessary to get the certification of the number of foreign employees of the Russian subsidiary by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Russia;Registration (accreditation) is done by the Tax authorities, which keep the United State Register of Foreign companies in Russia (Inter-District Tax office no 47 in Moscow). Together with company registration, company is automatically registered in the State Committee for Statistics. Registration in non-budgetary funds (Pension fund and Social Security fund) should be done by the company after the registration of the subsidiary. Besides it is necessary to get the certification of the number of foreign employees of the Russian subsidiary by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Russia