
How long will your electronic digital signature be valid?

Companies and individual entrepreneurs who have issued electronic signatures in certification centers accredited after July 1, 2020, have the right to apply them after January 1, 2022, until the certificate's expiration.

In letter No. OP-P15-08533604 dated 10.08.2021, four issues were considered:

  • the procedure for applying the certificates issued by certification centers accredited after July 1, 2020;
  • the procedure for applying the certificates issued by certification centers that did not pass accreditation before July 1, 2021;
  • the procedure for the application of the certificates created before July 1, 2021, by certification centers accredited before July 1, 2020, and also accredited under the new rules after July 1, 2021;
  • the procedure for applying the certificates used for automatic creation or automatic verification of electronic signatures in an information system, in which an individual acting on behalf of a legal entity is not indicated as the owner of such certificates$
  • After the validity period of previously received electronic digital signatures, companies and entrepreneurs have to use only certificates issued by the certification center of the Federal Tax Service.