Notification of controlled transactions made in 2020 is sent by the taxpayer to the tax authority at the place of its location no later than May 20, 2021.
It should be noted that notifications of controlled transactions for 2020 are submitted in a new form. The Form and the Procedure for filling it out are approved by the Federal Tax Service’s Order N MMV-7-13/249@ dd 07.05.2018 (as amended by Orders No. MMV-7-13/380@ dd 26.07.2019 and No. ED-7-2/448 dd 16.07.2020@).
Updated notifications for the previous reporting periods are submitted according to the old form approved by Order N MMV-7-13/524@ dd July 27, 2012
The taxpayer’s failure to submit a notification of controlled transactions to the tax authority within the prescribed period or providing false information in the notification entails liability under Article 129.4 of the Code
Please be informed that our company has moved to a new office.
It is located at 23, 1st Tverskaya-Yamskaya str., Moscow, building 1 (Business Center «Parus»), 4th entrance, 4th floor, office 17.
New phone number: 8 (495) 797-10-99.
We look forward to seeing you in our new cozy office!