
Changes in the migration legislation of Russia

Starting from February 5, 2025, the register of controlled persons will include foreigners who have lost their legal grounds for staying (residing) in Russia. Special measures and restrictions are provided for them. After being included in the register, foreigners must either legalize their stay (residence) or leave Russia.
Federal laws of 08.08.2024 N 281-FZ, N 248-FZ and N 260-FZ introduced several changes to the legislation regulating the presence of foreigners in Russia.

— From February 5, 2025, an expulsion regime is introduced — a legal regime applied to foreign citizens or stateless persons who are in the Russian Federation without legal grounds to ensure their departure from the Russian Federation or the acquisition of legal grounds for staying (residing) in the Russian Federation.

The expulsion regime is applied to a foreign citizen starting from the date of entering information about him/her into the register of controlled persons. It ceases from the date information about him/her is removed from this register. There are established cases of inclusion of foreigners in the register of controlled persons, for example:

  • the period of temporary stay, the validity period of a temporary residence permit, a temporary residence permit for the purpose of obtaining an education, or a residence permit has expired;
  • a visa, temporary residence permit, a temporary residence permit for the purpose of obtaining an education, or a residence permit has been canceled;
  • administrative expulsion is pending;
  • a decision has been made to reduce the period of temporary stay, deportation, undesirability of stay (residence) in Russia, or to deny entry into the country;
  • a foreigner has been found guilty of committing a crime, and the guilty verdict of a Russian court has entered into force.

A number of restrictions have also been established for foreigners included in the register of controlled persons, including:

  • a ban on state registration of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs;
  • a ban on the acquisition and state registration of rights to real estate, vehicles, and other types of equipment;
  • restrictions on the use of the right to drive vehicles;
  • refusal to open a bank account and carry out other banking operations (with some exceptions);
  • a ban on marriage;
  • a ban on leaving the territory of the region or municipality where the controlled person resides (lives), except for leaving Russia.

Also, from February 5, 2025, officials of the internal affairs bodies (police) are empowered to make decisions on the administrative expulsion of foreign citizens from the Russian Federation.

Also, from August 8, 2024, failure to fulfill the obligation to initially register for military service is grounds for termination of acquired Russian citizenship.