The President signed and officially published Federal Law No. 41-FZ dd 9.03.2021, which amended articles 13 and 20 of the Federal Law «On Auditing».
The law also changes the structure of the rules on the storage of documents.
The law states that:
- documents or their copies that have arisen during the provision of audit services must be kept for at least five years after the year of receipt unless otherwise established by other federal laws;
- documents obtained during the provision of other audit-related services must be kept for at least three years unless otherwise provided by other laws.
In addition, it is stipulated that this law works for both paper and electronic versions of documents, and not only the documents themselves but also data from them must be stored in Russia.
In case of violation of the requirements for the storage of documents, the supervisory authority may send a mandatory order to the self-regulatory organization to exclude the violator from the register of auditors and audit organizations.