The Government approved the rules for registering by a resolution № 844 dated 31.05.2021.
The new obligation applies to all companies and entrepreneurs that provide their employees with SIM cards or use them in equipment like online cash registers, routers, modems, GLONASS devices, security and monitoring systems, etc.
If the card was purchased for mobile communication, please send the following information in advance. Otherwise, you will not be able to use the SIM card. If the operator does not have information about the subscriber number, he has the right to exclude it from the contract.
The deadline for registering the SIM card for the equipment is three working days before the provision of communication services unless otherwise specified in the contract. The number will be blocked if it does not appear in the register.
For old SIM cards, a delay is provided. If the contract was concluded before June 1, 2021, you need to enter the information into the unified system:
- before September 1 — for equipment users;
- until November 30 — for corporate communication users.