The State Duma adopted a law on «direct payments» of sick leave and benefits from the Social Insurance Fund. The most important thing is that from 2022, the sick leaves will only be in electronic form.
Now, although direct payments have been extended to the whole of Russia, they were not spelled out in the law. A Government decree regulates this system.
The adopted law introduces various amendments directly to Federal Laws No. 125-FZ dd 24.06.1998 and No. 255-FZ dd 29.12.2006.
The Social Insurance Fund will have the right to request the following information from the following organizations:
- Pension Fund: information about the policyholder, insurance experience, as well as information about the salary for the period up to January 1, 2017, based on personal accounting information;
- Federal Tax Service: information, including a tax secret, about the salary of the insured person for the period from January 1, 2017;
- Registry Office: information about the state registration of civil status acts;
- Unified State Information System: information about the non-assignment of a one-time allowance at the birth of a child, monthly child care allowance, as well as other necessary information for payments.
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